++ 50 ++ leaved definition 219136-Leaved definition english
Leafed having leaves or leaves as specified;2 a to cause or allow to be or remain in a specified condition leave the door open his manner left me cold b to fail to include or take along left the notes at home the movie leaves a lot out c to have as a remainder 4 from 7 leaves 3Leaf meaning 1 one of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or Learn more
Rumex Obtusifolius Wikipedia
Leaved definition english
Leaved definition english-What is the definition of LEAVED?A plot where each data value is split into a "leaf" (usually the last digit) and a "stem" (the other digits) For example "32" is split into "3" (stem) and "2" (leaf) The "stem" values are listed down, and the "leaf" values are listed next to them This way the "stem" groups the scores and each "leaf" indicates a score within that group

Willow Wikipedia
Leave (plural leaves) ( cricket ) The action of the batsman not attempting to play at the ball ( billiards ) The arrangement of balls in play that remains after a shot is made (which determines whether the next shooter — who may be either the same player, or an opponent — has good options, or only poor ones)A leaf is part of a plant that's usually green and attached to it by a stem or stalk In the fall, the leaves of many trees turn various bright colors before falling to the ground In the spring, trees grow new leaves Ahhh, the circle of lifeA leaf is part of a plant that's usually green and attached to it by a stem or stalk In the fall, the leaves of many trees turn various bright colors before falling to the ground In the spring, trees grow new leaves Ahhh, the circle of life
Often used in combination Familiarity information LEAVEDused as an adjective is very rareA plot where each data value is split into a "leaf" (usually the last digit) and a "stem" (the other digits) For example "32" is split into "3" (stem) and "2" (leaf) The "stem" values are listed down, and the "leaf" values are listed next to them This way the "stem" groups the scores and each "leaf" indicates a score within that groupLeaf sheath the part at the bottom of a leaf that surrounds a stem, as in grasses
The analysis of the parameters that predetermine temperature changes in the plant leaf was started from the impact of initial difference of temperatures between the leaf surface and the environment (tsub0 tsubapl) on value DELTAtThe term leaf should only be applied to the foliage The Royal Guide to Wax Flower Modelling The first leaf was left blank;The bay leaf is an aromatic leaf commonly used in cooking It can be used whole or in a dried or ground form Sources Bay leaves come from several plants, such as Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae) Fresh or dried bay leaves are used in cooking for their distinctive flavour and fragrance

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Wideleaved American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth EditionUsed mainly in combination with another word to form adjectives describing the number, form, colour, etc, of leaves while left is the opposite of right;Leave, leave day, therapeutic leave day A planned and supervised furlough from care, esp from a residential care facility Leaves are often granted so that residents of a care facility can spend time with their family Leave days may also be required from time to time when residents need specialized services or inpatient medical care Medical

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Leave (plural leaves) ( cricket ) The action of the batsman not attempting to play at the ball ( billiards ) The arrangement of balls in play that remains after a shot is made (which determines whether the next shooter — who may be either the same player, or an opponent — has good options, or only poor ones)Definition of Dicot Leaves Dicotyledonous leaves are usually rounded with reticulate venation that can be distinguished from monocotyledonous leaves in their structure and anatomy A typical dicot leaf consists of a lead blade which is also called the lamina The lamina is the widest part of a leafLeaved (Adjective) Having a leaf, leaves or folds;

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Other articles where Alternate leaf arrangement is discussed angiosperm Leaves In alternateleaved plants, the leaves are single at each node and borne along the stem alternately in an ascending spiral In oppositeleaved plants, the leaves are paired at a node and borne opposite to each other A plant has whorled leaves when there are three orThe definition of leaves are parts of a plant or tree attached to the branches or stems (noun) An example of leaves areMcSush/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 30 Studying leaf shape and the arrangement of leaves on a stem is the most common way of identifying a tree in the field during the growing season The novice

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Words are tricky that way Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from February, 21, to show that you're far from frumious!Door leaf definition in English dictionary, door leaf meaning, synonyms, see also 'door furniture',door to door',automatic door',back door' Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionaryLeaved See more We understand!

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Definition of leaves in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and moreDefinition of leaved having leaves —usually used in combination palmateleaved a fourleaved cloverThe acanthus leaf is a popular architectural design element that developed in the Greek world It was first used on capitals , or tops, of a style of column called Corinthian

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Leaf, in botany, any usually flattened green outgrowth from the stem of a vascular plantAs the primary sites of photosynthesis, leaves manufacture food for plants, which in turn ultimately nourish and sustain all land animals Botanically, leaves are an integral part of the stem system They are attached by a continuous vascular system to the rest of the plant so that free exchange ofLeaf Definition The term leaf refers to the organ that forms the main lateral appendage on the stem of vascular plants In general, leaves are thin, flat organs responsible for the photosynthesis of the plantAlthough photosynthesis typically only occurs on the upper surface of the leaf, it can occur on both sides in some plant speciesLeaves are typically comprised of a distinct upper andSearch leaf and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso You can complete the definition of leaf given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster

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Leaved Definition And Meaning
1A), VN1, VN3 and Keoamtich were presented in one small subgroup forming a group of small leaved China type, and the remaining small subgroup was nested by the crosses LDP1 and LDP2 (Assamsmall leaved China type, and also known as offspring of the same parents), and PH10 (small leaved China type)Leaves WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums All FreeWhat does leaves mean?

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Leaf meaning 1 one of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or Learn moreFollowing the title leaf each girl fills out her group of three leavesDefinition of leaves in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage

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What are synonyms for LEAVED?Leafed (in combination) a fiveleaved stem Collins English Dictionary Complete & Unabridged 12 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 00, 03, 05, 06, 07, 09, 12 WORD OF THE DAYAs adjectives the difference between leaved and left is that leaved is having a leaf, leaves or folds;

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Often used in combination;Leaved (lēvd) adj 1 Having or bearing a leaf or leaves 2 Having a specified number or kind of leaves Often used in combination threeleaved;Broadleaved definition denoting trees other than conifers , most of which have broad rather than needleshaped Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

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Definition of leaved in English leaved (also leafed) Pronunciation /lēvd/ /livd/ adjective in combination Having a leaf or leaves of a particular kind or numberWhat does leaves mean?Definition of leafed in the Definitionsnet dictionary Meaning of leafed Information and translations of leafed in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web

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"a fully leafed tree";Leaf, in botany, any usually flattened green outgrowth from the stem of a vascular plantAs the primary sites of photosynthesis, leaves manufacture food for plants, which in turn ultimately nourish and sustain all land animals Botanically, leaves are an integral part of the stem system They are attached by a continuous vascular system to the rest of the plant so that free exchange ofAdjective having a leaf or leaves;

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Toward the west when one is facing north As an adverb left is on the left side As a noun left isLeafed definition, having leaves;The second was the title leaf upon the top of which appeared the name of the Camp Fire, and at the bottom the date of the first council fire;

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How do you use LEAVED in a sentence?The bay leaf is an aromatic leaf commonly used in cooking It can be used whole or in a dried or ground form Sources Bay leaves come from several plants, such as Bay laurel (Laurus nobilis, Lauraceae) Fresh or dried bay leaves are used in cooking for their distinctive flavour and fragranceLeaf Definition The term leaf refers to the organ that forms the main lateral appendage on the stem of vascular plants In general, leaves are thin, flat organs responsible for the photosynthesis of the plantAlthough photosynthesis typically only occurs on the upper surface of the leaf, it can occur on both sides in some plant speciesLeaves are typically comprised of a distinct upper and

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Used mainly in combination with another word to form adjectives describing the number, form, colour, etc, of leaves Webster Dictionary (000 / 0 votes)Rate this definitionDefinition and synonyms of leaf from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education This is the British English definition of leafView American English definition of leaf Change your default dictionary to American EnglishThe definition of leaves are parts of a plant or tree attached to the branches or stems (noun) An example of leaves are

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Definition of leaves written for English Language Learners from the MerriamWebster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labelsLeave (plural leaves) ( cricket ) The action of the batsman not attempting to play at the ball ( billiards ) The arrangement of balls in play that remains after a shot is made (which determines whether the next shooter — who may be either the same player, or an opponent — has good options, or only poor ones)Definition of a Leaf 2 Parts of a Leaf 3 Types Definition of a Leaf The leaf is a flattened, lateral outgrowth of the stem in the branch, developing from a node and having a bud in its axil It is normally green in colour and manufactures food for the whole plant The leaves take up water and carbon dioxide and convert them into

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What is the meaning of LEAVED?Leave To give or dispose of by will Willful departure with intent to remain away Permission or authorization to do something Leave of court is permission from the judge to take some action in a lawsuit that requires an absence or delay An attorney might request a leave of court in order to file an amended Pleading, a formal declaration of a claim, or a defenseDefinition of a Leaf 2 Parts of a Leaf 3 Types Definition of a Leaf The leaf is a flattened, lateral outgrowth of the stem in the branch, developing from a node and having a bud in its axil It is normally green in colour and manufactures food for the whole plant The leaves take up water and carbon dioxide and convert them into

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Leaved Definition And Meaning
1having leaves or leaves as specified;Leaves meaning 1 plural of leaf 2 plural of leaf 3 pl of leaf Learn moreLeaved definition leaved or leafed combines with adjectives to form other adjectives which describe the Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


Leaved Definition And Meaning

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